Xiang Li | HCI Researcher

Human + Computer Interaction × Mixed Reality


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I am Xiang Li (李想), a Ph.D. student in Intelligent Interactive Systems at the Department of Engineering (CUED), University of Cambridge. I am privileged to be under the supervision of Per Ola Kristensson and am advised by John J. Dudley. I am also a Student Fellow at The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI), a centre for research on the nature, ethics and impact of Artificial Intelligence based at the University of Cambridge, with partners at Imperial College London, University of Oxford and UC Berkeley, as well as close links with industry and policymakers. 

I was a visiting Ph.D. researcher at the Center for Metaverse and Computational Creativity, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) in 2022, working with Pan Hui. I received my B.Sc. (Honors) from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the University of Liverpool, under the supervision of Hai-Ning Liang. Prior to it, I worked with Jan Gugenheimer and David Lindlbauer at the Institute Polytechnique de Paris (Télécom Paris) and Carnegie Mellon University, and Florian 'Floyd' Mueller at the Exertion Games Lab, Monash University.

About My Research

My research interests lie in the realm of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), specifically in Mixed Reality (AR/VR), Spatial Computing, Bodily Interfaces, Computational Interaction, and Sensing Technologies. My work concentrates on investigating the ways users engage with virtual environments, analyzing their behaviors, and concurrently developing interactive systems that can enhance a broad spectrum of perceptions. I firmly believe that these advancements are vital for the successful Integration, and potentially even the "fusion", of the next generation of HCI.


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