Xiang Li | HCI Researcher
Human + Computer Interaction × Mixed Reality × Augmented Human
Welcome! 欢迎!
I am Xiang Li (李想) [SiAN li:], a third-year Ph.D. student in Intelligent Interactive Systems at the Department of Engineering (CUED), University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Per Ola Kristensson. I am also a Student Fellow at The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI), a centre for research on the nature, ethics and impact of Artificial Intelligence based at the University of Cambridge, with partners at Imperial College London and UC Berkeley, as well as close links with industry and policymakers.
I was a visiting Ph.D. researcher at the Center for Metaverse and Computational Creativity, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) in 2022, working with Pan Hui. I received my B.Sc. (Honours) from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the University of Liverpool, under the supervision of Hai-Ning Liang. Prior to it, I worked with Jan Gugenheimer and David Lindlbauer at the Institute Polytechnique de Paris (Télécom Paris) and Carnegie Mellon University, and Florian 'Floyd' Mueller at the Exertion Games Lab, Monash University.
Want to collaborate? If you want to work with me, please read my Supervision Page. I am always happy to collaborate with intelligent minds! ;-)
About My Research
My research interests lie in the realm of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), specifically in Mixed Reality (AR/VR), Spatial Computing, Bodily Interfaces, Computational Interaction, and Sensing Technologies. My work concentrates on investigating the ways users engage with virtual environments, analyzing their behaviors, and concurrently developing interactive systems that can enhance a broad spectrum of perceptions. I firmly believe that these advancements are vital for the successful Integration, and potentially even the "fusion", of the next generation of HCI. *See my full publications*.
01/2025: I will be serving as an Associate Chair for the Full Paper track at ACM IMX 2025 and the ACM CHI 2025 Late-Breaking Work track for my 4th consecutive term!
11/2024: I will give two research talks on my vision of Bodily Interfaces at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute and Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Thanks for inviting me!
10/2024: Our extended ACM SUI 2023 paper has been accepted to the journal of Computers & Graphics!
07/2024: Our ACM ISS 2024 paper has been accepted! Thank you to all my coauthors! 🎉
07/2024: Our ACM MM 2024 paper has been accepted! Congrats, Wei He! 🎉
06/2024: I will attend the Dagstuhl Seminar on "Designing Computers’ Control Over Our Bodies"! See you in Germany!
01/2024: I am serving as a Social Media Co-Chair for ACM CHI PLAY 2024 (again)!
08/2023: Our ACM SUI 2023 paper has been conditionally accepted!
07/2023: Our two ACM CHI PLAY 2023 papers have been accepted (and "Auto-Paízo Games" won the Best Interactivity Audience Award 🏆)! Congrats, Rakesh and other coauthors!!
04/2023: I am serving as a Social Communications Co-Chair for ACM CHI 2024!
12/2022: I am serving as a Social Media Co-Chair for ACM CHI PLAY 2023!
11/2022: Our ACM TOCHI paper, "Towards understanding the design of intertwined human-computer integrations", has been accepted!
12/2021: I am serving as an Online Participation Chair for ACM DIS 2022!
Previous Updates
05/2024: Accepted the Program Committee Member invitation for ACM CHI PLAY 2024 Work-in-Progress!
04/2024: My mentee Yuzheng Chen will join Lancaster University as an MSc by Research with Professor Hans Gellersen! 🎉
10/2023: Accepted the Program Committee Member invitation for ACM CHI 2024 Late-Breaking Work!
06/2023: Accepted the invitation to serve as a Program Committee Member for ACM UbiComp/ISWC 2023 Posters and Demos!
04/2023: I am delighted that my mentee, Xiaohang Tang, will be joining Virginia Tech as a PhD student with Professor Yan Chen! 🎉
11/2022: Our article has been published at ACM Interactions to celebrate the 40th birthday of SIGCHI!
10/2022: Started my PhD at the University of Cambridge! I am also a Student Fellow at The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence!
09/2022: Accepted the Program Committee Member invitation for ACM CHI 2023 Late-Breaking Work (again)!
09/2022: Received the ACM SIGCHI Gary Marsden Travel Award to attend ACM ISS 2022!
01/2022: Accepted the invitation to be an Associate Chair (Program Committee Member) for ACM CHI 2022 Late-Breaking Work!
01/2021: Accepted the Program Committee Member invitation for ACM IUI 2021 Demos and Posters!
Fun Facts
My PhD supervisor’s postdoctoral advisor’s PhD supervisor, John Hopfield, won the Nobel Prize in Physics 🏆 in 2024!
My Erdős number is 4 (i.e., Erdős, Paul <-> McEliece, Robert J. <-> MacKay, David J. C. <-> Kristensson, Per Ola <-> Li, Xiang).
My supervisor, Per Ola Kristensson, summarised our 🌳 academic genealogy.